Home » Brexit an ‘unmitigated disaster’ for Scotland three years on from EU departure
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Brexit an ‘unmitigated disaster’ for Scotland three years on from EU departure

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The SNP and the Scottish Greens have branded Brexit an “unmitigated disaster” for Scotland as the country today marks the third anniversary of leaving the European Union.

Then-prime minister Boris Johnson led the country out of the EU and into its transition period on January 31, 2020.

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said that it is “clearer than ever that Scotland’s best future is in Europe, not under Westminster control”.

Scottish Greens Europe spokesperson Ross Greer said Brexit had been an “unmitigated disaster” which was “based on snake oil promises by Tory fantasists who wanted to live out their isolationist and imperialist fantasies”.

Flynn said: “The past three years show Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster for the UK economy, public services and cost of living.

“It has cost billions, reduced trade, squeezed growth, hammered household incomes – and provided none of the so-called benefits that were promised.”

The Aberdeen South MP said that there was “no route back to Europe under Westminster control” as the Conservatives and Labour had ruled out a return to the bloc.

He said: “Independence is now the only way for Scotland to escape Brexit decline and regain our place in Europe.”

In the 2016 Brexit referendum, 52 per cent voted to leave while 48 per cent voted to remain. There was a 72 per cent turnout across the UK.

But in Scotland 38 per cent voted to leave while 62 percent voted to remain. No Scottish area had a majority leave vote. There was a turnout of 67 per cent.

England and Wales had majorities to leave, but most people in Northern Ireland voted to stay in the EU.

Flynn and Greer said polls had shown a majority of Scots wanted to rejoin the EU.

Surveys on the topic have consistently shown more than half of Scots support being in the European Union. Support for wanting to leave fell as low as 25 per cent in one poll.

Greer said that every day “more and more people are concluding that the only way to undo this damage and secure a future in Europe is for Scotland to become a normal, independent nation.

“In Westminster there is a cosy and self-defeating consensus that we need to maintain Brexit at all costs.

“The Tories have continued to double down on their disastrous vision but stunningly, Labour have endorsed it as well.

“Keir Starmer says he wants to ‘make Brexit work’ but the truth is that it can never work.”

Source : Daily Record
