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Joint Press Conference by WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Republic of Kazakhstan

73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe and international primary health care conference. Ministers meet to set health agenda for Europe and central Asia

WHO/Europe and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan are co-hosting 2 landmark events in the global health calendar: 

  • 23 October: international conference celebrating 45 years since the Declaration of Alma-Ata and 5 years since the Declaration of Astana on primary health care;
  • 24–26 October: 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, where ministers of health and health experts from the 53 countries in the WHO European Region will gather to set the health agenda for the years to come, on issues including preparing better for health emergencies, addressing the health and care workforce crisis, tackling the danger of antimicrobial resistance and strengthening protocols and practical approaches governing refugee and migrant health. 

This year, WHO is marking its 75th anniversary, 45 years since the signing of the historic Declaration of Alma-Ata on primary health care, and – for WHO/Europe – the mid-point of the European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health”.

The joint press conference will be an opportunity to reflect on the current state of health and well-being across the Region, celebrate public health milestones over the past 75 years, and discuss what is needed to address current and future challenges.


  • Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe
  • Dr Azhar Giniyat, Minister of Health, Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Astana Congress Centre, Sauran Street 44, Astana 020000, Kazakhstan


  • English, Kazakh and Russian (interpretation available) 

How to attend

  • Journalists present in Astana are encouraged to attend in person and should message the Ministry of Health to be accredited. Unaccredited journalists will be denied entry. Kindly contact Assel Artakshinova by email: conference.pmsp@mail.kz; or WhatsApp: +7 701 255 9479. 

Press contacts

Bhanu Bhatnagar (WHO Europe Regional Office)

Aizhan Rymbayeva (WHO Kazakhstan Country Office)

WHO/Europe Press Office

Source : WHO
