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Gaza Strip ‘Most Dangerous Place’ in World to be a Child: UN

Thousands of Palestinian children were killed during Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, a UN official said on Wednesday, calling Gaza the “most dangerous place in the world to be a child”, Anadolu Agency reports.

“More than 5,300 Palestinian children have been reportedly killed in just 46 days … or over 115 a day, every day, for weeks and weeks. Based on these figures, children account for 40 per cent of the deaths in Gaza. This is unprecedented.

UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director, Catherine Russell, said at the UN Security Council briefing on the protection of children in Gaza.

Russell said Gaza’s children are at “extreme risk” from catastrophic living conditions in addition to bombs, rockets and gunfire.

“The effects of the violence perpetrated on children have been catastrophic, indiscriminate and disproportionate,” she said, stressing that humanitarian pauses are “simply not enough”.

“UNICEF is calling for an urgent humanitarian cease-fire to immediately put a stop to this carnage.

Israel has launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip following a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group, Hamas, on 7 October.

Authorities in Gaza said, Tuesday, that the death toll from the ongoing Israeli attacks on the besieged enclave since then has risen past 14,100 people, including over 5,800 children and 3,900 women. The Israeli death toll, meanwhile, is around 1,200, according to official figures.

Source : MEMO
