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Zimbabwe announces new measures to tackle cholera outbreak

The Zimbabwean government is rolling out new measures to halt the spread of a deadly cholera outbreak.

Officials declared a state of emergency in the capital, Harare, and more than 1,200 laboratory-confirmed cases were recorded in 10 provinces in the country.

At least 46 cholera treatment camps are now in place in addition to multiple oral rehydration points to “bring services closer to the people”, according to Zimbabwe’s acting health minister Amon Murwira.

Authorities will set up hand washing stations and sanitation devices in public places to reduce the chances of the disease spreading from person to person. And at least 300 healthcare personnel will also be trained and deployed to spearhead door-to-door campaigns to educate the public about the disease.

“Community dialogue, inter-faith discussion and sensitisation of key stakeholders on cholera are planned for the week in high cholera incidence districts,” Murwira said.

The government will also immediately operationalize water tracking in affected urban areas, in addition to monitoring water quality in all areas.

Information minister Jenfan Muswere added that there will be supervision of burials in cholera-affected areas and restrictions on gatherings in such areas will be strengthened.

Source: Africa CGTN
