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Official: 333 Attacks on Palestinian Olive Pickers in West Bank

Israeli occupation forces and settlers have carried out a total of 333 attacks against Palestinian olive pickers since the start of the season in the first week of October, the head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission said.

In a statement issued yesterday, Moayed Shaaban said the Israeli occupation forces carried out 139 attacks, concentrated in the governorates of Bethlehem (40 attacks), Nablus (36 attacks) and Salfit (21 attacks), while the settlers carried out 194 attacks, concentrated in the governorates of Nablus (74 attacks), Salfit (33 attacks) and Hebron (27 attacks).

He pointed out that the occupation forces and settlers have prevented Palestinian citizens from reaching an area of 500,000 dunums (50,000 hectares) of their lands, in addition to 200,000 dunums (20,000 hectares) that the occupation had surrounded with settlements, and 300,000 dunums (30,000 hectares) isolated behind the illegal Separation Wall.

“The current olive season, which coincided with the occupation’s comprehensive aggression against our people in the West Bank and Gaza, was the most difficult and dangerous in recent decades, given the settlers’ exploitation of war to carry out their crimes, supported by many policies and legislation that reinforce cases of aggression, terrorism and restrictions, especially the closure of governorates and the distribution of weapons to the colonialist militias, and their constant feeling of not being held accountable for their crimes,” he added.

Source : MEMO
