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EU Condemns Israel Minister’s Remarks on Palestinians

The EU has “strongly” condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s comments on the freedom of movement of Arabs in the Occupied West Bank, according to media reports on Friday, Anadolu Agency reports.

The EU recalled that ties between Israel and the EU should be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles, Palestine’s official news agency, Wafa, reported.

“My right, my wife’s, my children’s, to roam the roads of Judea and Samaria are more important than the right of movement of the Arabs,” Ben-Gvir said on Wednesday in an interview with Channel 12, using the biblical term for the Occupied Territory.

His remark drew widespread condemnation, including from the US, which labelled it “racist rhetoric”.

“All human beings are equal and should be treated the same way. In this context, the values ​​of democracy and respect for human rights stand central to the EU-Israel partnership, including as regards the people living under Occupation in the Palestinian Territory,” noted the EU.

Source : Memo
