Home » Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia to launch power exchange by end-2024
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Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia to launch power exchange by end-2024

Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia plan to start operating a joint regional electricity exchange by the end of 2024, the Hungarian energy ministry said on Thursday.

Hungary’s energy ministry has been granted the authority to establish a Budapest-based holding company to operate the electricity exchange, with the goal of completing the process by the end of 2024, the energy ministry said in a statement.

The company will be jointly owned by the Hungarian, Serbian, and Slovenian transmission system operators and the European Power Exchange (EPEX SPOT), which will provide the technological background for settlements, the Hungarian energy ministry said.

“Strengthening the energy relations of the three neighboring countries increases the efficiency and profitability of trade, lays the foundation for the provision of high-tech market services, and strengthens Hungary’s energy sovereignty,” the energy ministry added.

In December 2022, Slovenian electricity grid operator Eles inaugurated the first regional power exchange for Central and Southeastern Europe (CSEE) jointly with Serbian peer Elektromreza Srbije (EMS) and the European Power Exchange (EPEX SPOT). The Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange (ADEX) was established through the corporate merging of Slovenian physical day-ahead market and intraday market operator BSP SouthPool and Serbian licensed market operator SEEPEX, with the company’s headquarters in Ljubljana and main permanent offices in Ljubljana and Belgrade.

Source: See News
