Home » OIC Condemns Israel’s Decision to Seize Properties in Jerusalem
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OIC Condemns Israel’s Decision to Seize Properties in Jerusalem

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation strongly condemned the decision of the Israeli occupation authorities to seize Palestinian homes and land in the town of Silwan in the occupied city of Jerusalem, under the pretext a cable car is being built in the area.

In a statement released yesterday, the Saudi-based organisation viewed this as an expansion of Israel’s efforts to Judaise the holy city and alter its geographic, demographic and historical reality.

The organisation declared that all measures taken by the Israeli occupation against Jerusalem, its people and its sanctities are illegal and void under international law and relevant United Nations (UN) resolutions.

It urged the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to take legal and political responsibility and all the necessary actions to stop all the violations and crimes committed by Israel, the occupying force, across the Palestinian territories it is occupying.

Source : MEMO
